Connecting the Dots

Phycologists say that humans rarely take on new behaviors past the age of 16 unless they experience a significant emotional event. Traditional training in a classroom, didactical lectures, or even e-training does not provide learners with a high enough emotional impact; leading the knowledge learnt through training that comes and goes like the tide of […]
The Female Car Buying Experience: Journey Through Her Eyes

Why does it matter; why should you tailor the brand experience to the Decision Maker; the woman? Besides the fact that women are the original social media, sharing their stories of outstanding experiences and happenings in life with just about anyone that will listen, they have now been given a platform to spread their message […]
Lack of Constancy Kills Trust

I had just arrived home from speaking at a conference, and had a 24 hour turn around before I needed to get back on another plane to coach 200+ leaders. As a frequent guest on Air Canada air crafts, I experience jet lag on a regular basis. However, this instance was a particularly intense case […]
Experiential Branding Matters Because “She” is the Influencer

Do you remember the first time you fell in love? I remember the first time I fell in love. I was 15 years old and was head over heels for my hockey player boyfriend. Right before I would meet him, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, my sweaty palms, the goosebumps on my […]
Choosing to Lead in Life and Business

In life you are almost always faced with a choice. A choice to do this…or that. Here’s the thing, the choice is always yours and yours alone. The same goes for businesses and leaders alike. As leaders and businesses grow, you will be, and probably are, faced with adversity as you make the treacherous climb […]
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too In 2019

Dear ladies of all ages, races, occupations, and stages in life: I am writing you to give you a gift for 2019. This is one of the most powerful gifts anyone can ever give you. I was once given this gift and it changed my life; I hope it does the same for you. I […]
Your LinkedIn Connections Want the Best for you in 2019!

It is Christmas eve, I am sitting in my office tying off a few loose ends so I can truly enjoy the moments to come over the next few (hectic) days, and as I was reviewing a post for LinkedIn, I came across a post that I put out a few months ago. I asked […]
Five Tips to Providing a Five Star Experience

The best way I can describe ‘customer service’ is by using the word transaction. ‘Service’ is what we do, it is a product or the transaction to receive the product. According to an experience is: “a particular instance of personally encountering or undergoing something: or the observing, encountering, or undergoing of things generally as they occur in the course of time.” In other words, an experience is an interaction between a business and a customer that happens […]
A Purpose Driven Culture

I had the honour of attending the Celebrity Edge Naming Ceremony and Global Conference this past week. It was an overwhelming wave of emotions spread out over an eight-day period. There was one common theme that was weaved throughout the entire experience, and that was the sheer purpose, passion, and pride that each individual had […]
Watch Out! Women are Dominating the Roads.

I recently read a great article As Sexy Cars Take The LA Spotlight, Women Take The American Wheel where the author Micheline Maynard spoke about the steady influence of the female consumer, not only on the purchase of vehicles (or the decision to purchase,) but also that women drivers now outnumber male drivers. The auto […]